So what happens if you die?
When your character reaches 0 hit points they fall in battle. They are not dead outright.
- If, in the next 3 rounds, a character can revive them, they will survive the battle with 0 hit points and be unconscious.
- The player can be healed, but has disadvantage on all rolls until a short rest is taken.
Even if your allies manage to save your life, there are still consequences.
When your hit points are reduced to zero you become touched by the enemy that did it.
*Touched means that you take on certain traits of the enemy that killed you.
*The types of enemies and what effect they have on the player, if killed by them, are below.
Types of Enemies and what happens to you if you are killed by them.
- -2 Damage to Undead
- -1 Athletics
Disadvantage in daylight. Advantage at night. Cannot cross running water while conscious. Must consume blood to regain hit points during rest. -2 Damage taken to body parts other than head and heart.
- -2 Damage to Unholy
- -1 Strength
Disadvantage in daylight. Advantage at night. Start campaign with 5 terror.
Humanoid Monster
- +1 Strength
- -2 Damange to Type of Monsters
- -1 Intelligence
- -1 Charisma
Inherit 1 weakness from specific type of monster. Inherent one attack from specific type of monster.
- -2 Damage to Demons
- +1 Arcace
- +1 Terror modifier
Double damage to iron, double damage on sacred ground, religious artifacts cause 5 Terror
If reach 10 terror for any type of Monster Touch, you turn permanently into that type of monster and immediately try to kill your Party.
What Can they do about all this?
- To reverse the effects of being touched your part can choose to reverse the effects (pgby learning a 1 shot Spell of Rebirth (pg. 17) they will have to learn during the Level Up phase.
- They must also seek out and kill the monster that touched the one who touched you.